
Expected mating:

Now that our Dompel Dimpel's Sulpicia Volturi "Sia" is ready for breeding and is now 2 years of age, we expect to mate her in the spring of 2024(May). We have an appointment with Hanne Bering of using her boy Månskimrans Äsmo Äpplemunk

Litter G

We mated Leija and Zodiac and the puppies came 18 th off july..

This is our second litter with this combination. Pictures from the first litter, see the E litter.

All the puppies are healthy and have nice markings.

Its our silver weeding litter and we call it: Gordious Glories.

Leija got 6 puppies, 3 boys og 3 girls.

Litter F

 Katajaavaraan Queen Peippo. had her litter together with

 a gorgeous male that has a match in temperement for Peippo <;

Peippo gave birth to 3 puppies on June 20 th

one male and two girls.

Name of the litter is: Fabulous Future

Name of puppies is: Faust, Finja, Frøya

All puppies are spoken for.

Finda Uula:

Owner: Marianne Boye


AD 0

Øjne: Pupil membrane

Pompes: Free

prcd/PRA: Free

Queen Peippo:


AD 0

Øjne: Distichiasis/Ektopiske Cillier

Pompes fri

prcd/PRA fri

DM Free

Now are our own Zodiac has reached his adult-age, we´re planning to use him for breeding.

His first mating took place 17. august 2021 with Finda Leija. The puppies will arrive medio october.

Since the breeding limit in Denmark has been raised for the Finnish Lapphund it is now possibel to repeat the combination between Käki and Chanca.

We expect mating medio may 2021.

20. june 2021 Käki gave birth to 3 males  and 1 bitch. As the first time, she had an cesarean section, this means that we will stop breeding with her.

The name of the litter is:

Kennel lapinkoira-Koch's

Dreamy Darlings





In July 2020 we had a visit from the Northern Sweeden.

Mia Hillergren was here with her bitch, Lappkåtakläppes Giera, for mating with our Chanca.

She got one beautiful male, that are to stay with the kennel.

Magdalena Hillergren who has continued her morthers kennel, has made a request for repeating this combination once more, because of the good and healthy genes here.

We expect this to occur during spring 2021.

Giera's health results. 



ECVO clear

Prcd-PRA free from heritage

Pompes free from heritage

Lappkåtakläppens Unique Hero

appr. 6 months old

We are proud to tell, that our own Finda Leija and our own Chanca (Walther) had an insimination and a natural mating on june 26th, 2020.

Leija gave birth to 5 puppies on the 23th August 2020. 3 girls and 2 boys. Both mother and puppies are fine and well. All puppies are spoken for.

The pupies have been given the following names: 

  1. Lapinkoira-Koch Coast to Coast Cia
  2. Lapinkoira-Koch Coast to Coast Comma
  3. Lapinkoira-Koch Coast to Coast Caja
  4. Lapinkoira-Koch Coast to Coast Casmir
  5. Lapinkoira-Koch Coast to Coast Cliffy

During april 2020 Chanca had a visit from Kennel Maj-Britt's Lapphund's beautiful bitch Girdi.



EVCO clear

Prcd-PRA free from heritage

Pompes free from heritage

The outcome of this visit are a litter of 6 female and 2 male puppies.

They are all in good health.

Here are the puppies around 7 weeks old

On the 13th of january 2020 we had Peippo with us on a visit to Hanne Bierring and her wonderful male dog Månskimrans âsmo Äppelmunk.

The result of the visit was that Peippo had two wonderful male-puppies on 13th of march 2020.

They are both in good health and were named:

Lapinkoira-koch's Thumbs Up Bierring and Lapinkoira-koch's Thumbs Up Baku

On 25th of December 2019 we had a visit from Karpalosadun Unikko, Suvi, a lovely smalle bitch from Holland and her owner Iana Coverdale, Kennel Valeenkaari.

We had 3 succesful matings and now we're proud ti tell, that Chanca has become the father 5 fin puppies on 25th of Febuary 2020.

It is 3 bitches and 2 males. All in good birthweight.

( hip: A ED 0 evco clear

Prcd-pra : free from heritage

Pompe,s free from heritage )






Our Chanca and Käki gave birth to a boy on 18th of september 2019. (Adorable Zodiac)

We are keeping him in our breed.

He is to live at our daughters and will show at exhibitions when ready.

On 14. june 2019 Chanca was mated with Kjelstrups Aina (HDA, prcd/PRA-DNA carrier, DNA-Pompe´s free) from Kennel Krible Krable

On 14th of august Aina gave birth to 10 puppies, 8 males and 2 females, all in good birthweight.

They are ready to leave home in the middle of october month.

Ask Svartnos

Birk Morgendis

Bue Skjoldunge

Fenris Hvidtand

Odin Langklo

Loke Listepote

Rolf Harefod

Saga Knytlingemø

Vidat Ulvsbane

Idun Isblomst

On april 29th 2019 Chanca became a father once more. This time with Finda Zindi Pippi (HDA, ED0, prcdPRA carrier and DNA-pompes free)

The result was 6 puppies:

Finda Otto (Melvin)

Finda Ophelia (Carley)

Finda Ozzy (Louie)

Finda Otelia (Chili)

Finda Odin

Finda Othilia (Mini)

During the first week of september 2017 we had a visit from a breeder from Scotland.

It was Kennel Thistleglen with Ken Matheson and his bitch, Wilma. HD 4:5:9, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free)

We got 3 fine matings and happily there are puppies on the way.

Good news. 6. november Wilma gave birth to 5 puppies, 3 males and 2 bitches. The colours are 3 brown and 2 black puppies.

Thistleglen Bayleaf

Thistleglen Belladonna

Thistleglen Lady Rosemary

Thistleglen Sage

Thistleglen Sir Basil

Thistleglen Bayleaf

Thistleglen Belladonna

Thistleglen Lady Rosemary

Thistleglen Sage

Thistleglen Sir Basil

Chanca was 7 th october 2016 mated with SE UCH Rödmossa Omega (HDA, ED0, ECVO UA, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free) from Kennel Lappligans in sweeden.

Breeder Monica Karlsson.

We are proud to announce that Omega got 6 puppies, 2 males and 4 bitches. 3 Brown and 3 Black, all with light markings. Date 5 th december 2016.

Lappligan´s Snöa

Lappligan´s Tindra

Lappligan´s Frost

Lappligan´s Storm

Lappligan´s Glittra

  • HDB, ED0, prcd/PRA-DNA Free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free

Lappligan´s Stjärna

  • HDA, ED0, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free

Chanca was 23 th june 2016 mated with Majbritts lapphund Aina (HDA, ED0, ECVO UA, prcg/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free) from Kennel Majbritts Lapphund.

Breeder Majbritt Jensen

We are proud to announce that Aina got 6 puppies. 1 black and 3 brown bitches. 2 brown males. Date 24 th. august 2016.

Maibritts Lapphund Dorothea

Maibritts Lapphund Dakko

  • HDA, ED01, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free
  • Had a litter 29, july 2019, with 7 puppies with Happy Lapp Betty Boop, 4 bitches and 3 males.

Maibritts Lapphund Dharma

Maibritts Lapphund Duuri

Maibritts Lapphund Dina

Maibritts Lapphund Diva

All six puppies are sold and are all leaving for their new home on the 19th of october 2016.

They have the following names: Dorothea, Dakko, Dharma, Duuri, Dina og Diva.

Chanca was 21 th april 2016 mated with SE VCH Staalon Elohopea-(Ella) (HDB, AD0, prcd/PRA/DNA tested free) fra Magiica's Kennel in Sweden.

Breeder Ann Gustavsson.

A litter was born 22 nd june 2016. We can proudly announce that Ella got 3 males and 1 bitch

The "W" litter is named:

Magiicas lapinkoira - Warga

  • HDA, ED0, ECVO UA, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free
  • Prenant with expected birth in september 2019

Magiicas lapinkoira - Wargo

  • HDA, ED0, ECVO UA, prcd/RA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free
  • Had a litter on 21. june 2018, with 4 puppies with Samejäntans Lady Tova, 2 males and 2 bitches
  • Had a litter on 16. dec. 2018, with 6 puppies with Ikuineenlahjan Orosmaki (Noora)

Magiicas lapinkoira - Wargas

  • ECVO UA, Prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free

Magiicas lapinkoira - Wargen

  • HDB, ED0, ECVO UA, prcd/PRA-DNA free from heritage, DNA-Pompe´s free

Warga 2u

Warga 4 weeks

Wargas 2u

Wargas 4 weeks

Wargo 4 weeks

Wargen 4 weeks

Warga 6u

Warga 6 weeks

Wargas 6u

Wargas 6 weeks

Wargo 6 weeks

Wargen 6 weeks

Warga 4 months

Wargas 4 months

Wargo 4 months

Wargen 4 months

Warga 1 year

Wargen 1 year

Wargas 1 year

Wargo 1 year

We have found a real good calender that tells you all about the pregnancy of your dog "", future owners of our puppies can follow the life of their puppy inside the uterus of out bitch.